Coco Arquette dancing at Lakers game

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Jul 12, 2006
Coco Arquette, 2 1/2, was snapped getting her groove on while dad David laughed at the Lakers game on Sunday night.
A CBB reader who was there sends us this sighting, "Just got back from the LA Lakers game sitting a few rows up from the court. David Arquette was there with his daughter Coco and a friend with his daughter. The girls were about the same age and danced on the sidelines during breaks and when the teams were on the opposite side of the court. Coco was mesmorized by the Laker Girls - she was dancing, clapping and spinning while they were dancing and staring at them while they were sitting on the side lines (right next to them) during the game. She's just adorable and seems to be a bit sassy."

Source: Yahoo