Classic Coach

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Jan 15, 2007
Does anyone know if the Classic leather bags are lined? The Janice for example. If not will the the color (black) transfer onto something inside the bag?
Hmm. The older bags I have are unlined. I've never had a color transfer problem, however I noticed in the past it would "shed" somewhat, nothing major though.
Yes, the inside is the raw leather (looks like suede). No color transfer but sometimes little bits of it flakes? off. I have bags from the early nineties and they are still in great condition.
Hi, I'm new to this thread. Can someone who owns a city bag post pics, please? I love that bag. Since I don't live in the US, I would love to see the photos of the bag in real life. Thanks so much.
I have quite a few of the classic bags and none of them are lined. I never had a problem with transfer and I don't remember a problem with flaking, if there was any, it must not have been enough to bother me. And no, the Janice's Legacy bag was not lined, I have that one. I saw one at the Lancaster, Pa. outlet last week too.
I have several classic bags (started my collection when the catalogs were 4x6 and pretty much the same pictures when they came out every QUARTER lol :lol:). The inside isn't lined, and it does shed a little bit, but nothing awful. I've never had a problem with color transfer. They are great bags and still look new almost 20 years later. Be careful not to overdo it on the leather moisturizer - I did that to a station bag and it made the leather too soft. However, with a little cleaner and moisturizer, I made a stewardess bag that I found at a yard sale for $20 look brand new. Well worth the $$!!!