Chloe style number request + size dilemma

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professional enabler
Sep 12, 2006
I just got these shoes in dark brown in a size 39.5 and they are wayy too narrow and just a tad too small for me :sad: and I don't think I can wear 4 inchers without a platform in front.


These are the two pairs of shoes I need style numbers for (Neiman Marcus).



Now size issues, I'm generally a TTS 9 in normal heels (ie. Calvin Klein, Steve Madden etc) and tennis shoes/flats but in Marc Jacobs i'm a 39.5 or a 40. What size in the silverados would you recommend?

TIA Ladies! I really appreciate it! :heart::heart:
The Chloe Silverado's with the buckle are style # CH7172
The Chloe Silverado's with the lace-up fronts are style # CH7168

I have both pair and adore them!!! Very comfy, very true to size, IMHO.
I am a 38 (perfect for 90% of my shoes, except hte occassional Choo where I go up a 1/2 a size, or the odd Louboutin that runs a full size small!).

I got these at Nordies, their close out sale!! A lovely PFer helped me locate them for a fraction of the original retail cost :heart:

Unfortunately they were all most to an outlet that I don't know the name, location, or number to, after I bought them. So sorry! :crybaby:

But there are several pairs on eBay for about the same price.

Good luck!!

Thank you! What size are you normally and what did you get in them?