Childhood Accidents

I haven't a clue how old I was (before Kindergaten), but I was at a daycare and ran my head into a doorjam. The daycare called my mom, and when she came to pick me up, there was a Band-Aid on my forehead. When she took it off, my skin on either side of the cut split in two pieces! eck! I still have the scar but my hair covers it most of the time.
I'm the most accident prone kid in the family!! My brother and I once ended up in the ER for eating strawberries without washing them!! I also once fell into an empty swimming pool luckly nothing happened to me only a sore head *maybe that fueled my bag addiction*!!

And the most horrific incident is getting a plastic stick stuck in my throat...i was gushing blood everywhere...had to have one of my tonssils out and get stitches...luckly i survived and ending up eating alot of ice cream....the doc told my parents I was lucky...just the other day a boy came with a pencil stuck in his upper throat and didnt make it :sad:
Ooh this maybe be my favorite thread ever--- I am such a klutz!
Okay, I'll go chronologically (I think?)

-When a was a baby, my mom was walking into the kitchen, tripped over my dog, and I fell into the dishwasher. Luckily, all the utensils and knives were out, but I still get scared whenever I'm cutting up a piece of chicken or putting peanut butter on bread

- Okay, this isn't really an accident, but I was at my doctors office (when I was a baby or preschool age-- I'm not sure) and I wouldn't do the thing were you have to follow the doctor's finger with your eyes, because I was looking at his tie!! So he had to move his tie to get my to move my eyes! lol

- When I was four, I was getting ready to go down this slide at my day care place, and I was wearing this really nice leather shoes, and the kid behind me wanted to go, so he pushed me and I fell over and onto the ground-- All I complained of was a bloody lip but when my mom came to pick me up, I told her that my arm hurt reallllly bad (it was swollen to) so we went to the ER ( I started to fall asleep in the car-- my mom said that she kept singing because she was afriad I would be unconcious when I got there) and they put a dressing on it and gave me a sling and referred me to another doctor (whose specialty was healing broken bones) where I got a hot pink :P cast. Then when we went to get it taken off, I was screaming because they cut it off with like a chainsaw type thing I guess-- I'm glad I was too little to remember

- When I was 5 or 6, we went down to Florida to visit my grandparents (and go to Disney World of course!lol) and i had blisters at the time so it made it really painful to walk around so my mom said she just put slipper on me:nuts:

- When I was in first grade I had pneumonia and had to sit out at recess which was really sad. :sad:

-- When I was 8 or 9 I was at my cousin's house on Christmas day, and we were outside sledding (they have really curvy, down hills) and I flew off a bump, went like 5 feet in the air, and landed back down again on my but! It hurt soooo bad, I had trouble walking for the next few days...
- Okay skip a bunch of years and fastforward till 11-- When I was 11, I was plugging in an (old) sewing machine (that was actually my Nana's),and something went wrong with the electrical cord and I got electrocuted! Not like a bad one, just like a tingly feeling.

- My electrical shocks continue-- when I was 12, I was turning off the lights in our (unfinished) basement and my finger slipped between the two light switches and I got electrocuted again. But the bad part was that I was carry the clean laundry, dropped it all, and then we had to wash it all over again. Whoopsie:rolleyes:

-(I'm not sure if everyone knows this) but I do gymnastics, and I was doing a shoot-through on bars (you like have your legs kinda like scissors on the bar and then you flip around and come up if that makes sense) and I had done something wrong (like pushed myself up too high or gone to fast) and I wacked my ankle on the higher bar and fell onto the floor--That was really scary---

- Then this year, I was straightening my hair (not in any rush at all) and my thumb got in the straightener with my hair! It hurt soo bad I was crying for like a was like a red and white and bubbly--ouch--- if you look, you can still see that half of my thumb is slightly darker then the rest

- Okay, almost finished! This year (In my PE class in school) we went to the weight room, and my friend was taking a 45 lb weight off of a calf raise thingy and dropped it...on my TOE!!! My friend's mom is an EMT and said that it wasn't broken, and even if it was, the only thing we could do is tape it up--that didn't make for a great school end!

Anyway, it was really interesting hearing what has happened to everyone else...some of them are really funny:lol:

Again, I'm cheating because this isn't a childhood accident, but it's an interesting story . . . I was using one of those hot air popcorn poppers . . . the ones that look like old fashioned popcorn carts . . . Sometimes kernals don't get popped and they just fly out of the machine. One flew right into my nightshirt. I got it out but I have a scar on my stomach from where the hot kernal burned me.

When I was 17 or 18 I was sledding and I went over a bump (I didn't see the bump at the time). I flew up and landed on my butt. I think I bruised my tailbone.