Chevron classic flap 2016?


Apr 13, 2008
Hello, lovely tpfers! I am itching for a chevron classic flap from the most current season - has anyone seen any in their parts of the world? I called my local store but none has come in so far. Just wondering if it's because we are just slow (i live in australia - even our new movies come in later than the rest of the world) or there just aren't any this season. Thanks!
there are lists of act I and act II in the shopping forum above from various department stores here in the US so u can get an idea of what's coming. U should check it out! Looks like there are some goodies coming soon!
there are lists of act I and act II in the shopping forum above from various department stores here in the US so u can get an idea of what's coming. U should check it out! Looks like there are some goodies coming soon!

Thanks so much for that! I went to take a look and it's most helpful! Dun think there are chevron classic flaps this season but i will settle for a chevron boy :smile: