****** checks to be mailed 2/15 -anyone buying LV with their rebates?

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and u too!!!
Oct 7, 2006
Just curious what people are planning on buying LVwise with their ****** rebates? I am not sure...but I know the checks are going to be mailed out on 2/15/07 - yippee!!!

Hmmm...What shall I buy?

I don't have much coming back to me - $69.34 (I just signed up in October - 3 mos worth of rebates ;)), but's it's BONUS money :yahoo: to put towards maybe a Speedy 30 or 35? Seeing that the price increase didn't happen -I am not rushed to buy it!! I am still enjoying my BH.

...oh, just curious what others plan on doing LVwise with their rebates????????

I know what a rebate is but for LV??? Do tell!!

****** is a site I learned from others on this site and the LV forum...you sign up, make online purchases like you would normally and then after 3 mos. thye send you a rebate - kind of like fat wallet, I think is another one? ELUXURY is part of it, so people who buy their LV's online go through ****** and get adl rebates off their purchases - and then my question was when the rebates come, as they are being mailed out shortly - what people planned on doing with theirs - you know towards the purchase of a new LV. Hope that answers your question. :smile:
i think I requested to be put through my paypal but I thought it was on 2/1.
Like you I have a modest amount coming back to me.
uhhh, yahhh, I am putting my wishlis together for the year, looking at stuff in the boutques.