Cheating when you buy from another store?

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Choose to be happy
Sep 19, 2006
So I picked up my epi from the store today, but it wasn't my regular store....when I called 866, and they found one for me, it was close enough to just go get it, rather than transfer it to my regular store. Then I went to pick up my sandals at my regular store...I was there chit chating and looking at the look book for ao long I started to feel guilty for shopping at another

Every happen to anyone else?
Yes, I do! I had some Saks gift cards to spend so I used them at their lv counter. But I did tell my regular sa about it. She knows every bag I own, so when she saw my saks lv purchase, I had to come clean! Luckily, she's very easy going.
Lol..I don't really shop at any other stores except when I'm on vacation which isn't very often. Usually if I ever do get pieces from another store, it's because my store has gotten them in for me.
Sometimes I shop at different LVs, it just depends...I live within an hour of about 5 LV boutiques (2 of which are in department stores: Saks & Neimans). So, if there is something I really want that my nearest boutique is out of and I feel impatient I end up just getting it at one of the other boutiques. :shame:

Over the past year I have to say I've been better about going to my "regular" SA since we've developed a good friendship but prior to that I really disliked the attitudes of many SA's my nearest LV so I didn't really care which boutique I purchased from.

Not really sure about this but I was chatting with the manager at my local boutique and they said they don't make commission on sales...can anyone confirm this? I guess if this is the case then I don't feel as bad about "cheating" on my SA. Although I still would feel a teenie tiny bit guilty.
Haha, I don't care esp when their service standards have slipped at one store or the other. We have 2 LV stores here. So when one sees me with a new purchase, they know I've been "unfaithful".
I used to only shop at LV Copley Place (Boston) because I am within walking distance of Copley (and it was the only store in the state!)

Now that an LV boutique opened in Saks in the same mall I will admit that my 4 most recent purchases have been at Saks... they've had the new items I wanted in stock faster than Copley, and they've given me better service :shame:

At first I felt like I was cheating, but I guess it doesn't really matter in the end. It's all merchandise from the same company.