Charm Me Midi Matte dark Tan bespoke


Is that dark tan like a saddle or luggage type color? I'm really liking it a lot. It is officially on my wish list. Congratulations!

I'm glad it worked out as I ordered without seeing even a pic of the leather - jackie even emailed me when she saw my order to say are you sure you ordered the right leather , as she wanted me to be sure it was the one k had intended!
Rose said they DO still have this thick dark brown leather in stock for perhaps 5 bags, depending on the size of the bags. Jackie said it’s not really matte. It’s oily, kind of like a saddle leather. BE has not been using it a lot because she doesn't think it would be for everyone. Says it’s quite “vintage” looking. But for best descriptions, she said to ask GGA, Bonnie and Prada.
I'm late to the party here - but it's FABULOUS!! Congratulations! I'm a little bummed now, because it wasn't there when I was doing my bespokes, or I probably would've gotten it over the the matte tan. :sad: Ah well... I'm sure happy that you are happy! I love it.