Chanel and Michel Gaubert

Interesting read. I especially find the quote where Susie confessed that she is not “in the fortunate position to be boycotting brands in a hard stance” extremely reasonable, predictable and sad. Unlike many other customers, fashion bloggers still need brand support to survive. I can’t blame them for being soft on some of the most powerful fashion houses in the world.

I’m still flabbergasted with Bruno’s comment to this day. I don’t believe in cancel culture, too. But saying Chanel doesn’t excuse racism but immediately starts working with Michel (when he hasn’t taken any real actions to amend his mistakes) just sounds like a hypocrisy. Maybe because I’m tired of the “I know him. He is a nice person” argument/excuse. Just because you know him as a nice person doesn’t mean he can’t be mean to others. People are not one dimensional, Bruno. I’m still disappointed that Bruno tried to diminish Michel’s problematic actions and the damages he has caused on other people.

I did laugh at this though. Gotta hand it to the internet when it comes to snarky comments hahaha.