Chances for getting Mouse quilted Banana Hobo on sale

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Dec 24, 2005
Hello All-
As of today I decided that the quilted banana hobo in Mouse would be a better fit for me than the stam. So...what are my chances of catching this bag on sale? Since the same bag in cashew went on sale I'm thinking it's a maybe. Any suggestions? Thanks.
I think the hobo is great, a good ergonomic decision over the stam. Hobo is an elegant yet casual style that can be worn easily every day! I use to own one and loved her up until my mother commandeered her.

The only complaint I've heard is that the zipper opening is a tad small. I didn't have any problems with it, but it did affect other PFers decision about buying this bag. But obviously not my mother. LOL.

Good luck with your search!
I just ordered the Banana hobo in black from the BG online sale for $488!! There sure is a lot of luck involved in browsing BG/NM at just the right time.