~ Celine Dion Thread ~

Cute kid but he needs a haircut. I like short hair on boys/men - like a military cut. However, once I saw a man in his 20's who had BEAUTIFUL long brown wavy hair tied back in a pony tail dressed in slacks and a long sleeved white shirt and I thought he looked really nice! I was jealous of his hair!
I like long hair on men (nice, clean, healthy long hair), but it seems a bit odd on him, maybe because he does look like a little girl. And I totally agree with the comments about the shirt. Ah well. To each his own.

man, she has on a TON of makeup -- unless they photoshopped her to within an inch of her life
Maybe a combination of both? Never really cared for her anyway.
He looks like his daddy, but gees, Celine, cut that hair!

Kate Hudsons son look ridiculous also with his long hair.

Did these women REALLy want girls?
I understand from my stepsons that long hair on boys is back in fashion. Thankfully there is a dress code at the school they attend so their hair will never be that long...