I bought two medium Boxes in a matter of months, one navy classic and one pale grey liege. I haven't had them long enough to comment on wear, but in look and feel I they're perfect. The Box is classic and beautiful but not prissy or fussy. Scratches will reflect that I walk and explore and live, and for that the Box is perfect. I walk about five miles a day when the weather permits, and I've done this a number of times with one of my Boxes. I don't feel it at all, but I absolutely love having it and gazing at it from time to time

For those who are worried about scratches, I think a liege in a light color is your best bet. An SA told me that the liege is more resistant to scratches, but once scratches happen, they are harder to get out. She thought the light-colored liege bags would be best, since scratches are white. That makes sense to me, and I think a scratch would be hard to see on my pale grey liege, but I can't vouch for it from experience.