Cat toys

oh man, this is gonna be gross, i apologize.

my boyfriend hunts, and he nabbed a squirrel one time and cut off the tail (he burned the cut part closed) and sprayed fox urine on it (you can buy it at hunting stores, you use it to cover your scent when you hunt) and our bad little kitty LOVES it. we only let her play with it outside, but she has tried to kill that thing about a million times. it doesn't even require our participation, she bats it around on her own.

i'm convinced that your kitty is half feral cat, though. she's a little insane. and mean, lol.
IntlSet said:
Oh Amanda, that's awful. lol!

lol i know and the littly kitty looks so soft and cute and adorable, but she's a cold-blooded killer at heart. it's either the squirrel tail or our ankles (frequently when we're trying to cook, while holding sharp and hot things), so i guess it's good that she has her squirrel tail...

she also hides under the kitchen table, so when we walk by to go to bed after we've turned off all the lights, she hunts our feet.