Can you say "No!" to a gorgeous handbag?

TPF can be a double edged sword because you see so many beautiful things but it only took a few buy/return or sell on eBay cycles to help me move away from the 'shiny pretty' bag syndrome to choosing things that work well with my lifestyle.

I absolutely hate having a bag in my closet that goes unused with the tags on it, and I don't like having too many choices at once, so this has helped me pare down my collection. I still LOVE looking at everyone else's stuff, though, and there are times when I have to remind myself that I don't need another bag!

I 2nd all of this:yes:
I'm also starting to get better at saying no. For a while I bought everything in sight, but I just sold off 3/4 of my collection and, sadly, I don't STILL don't feel like a need a new bag right now:crybaby: My bank account appreciates it, but it's so weird! However, I can still look and think they are all gorgeous:drool:
well luckily i am a broke college student....sooo i HAVE to say no...but that gives me lots of time to think about what i want to get for christmas or my birthday. this christmas i am getting a foley + corinna jr jet setter tote in tan...yayyy!
Just because you see a gorgeous you have to buy it? The idea for this thread came in the "handbag mistakes" thread, the mistake being: owning too many bags.
Let's say you have a big collection... There's always going to be another gorgeous handbag staring at you...
When is enough, enough?

Why can't you say, "Yes, it is gorgeous. But I have enough gorgeous bags." Why do we HAVE to buy the gorgeous bag? Let the bag be its gorgeous self and move on! You already have gorgeous bags. And guess what? There's be another gorgeous bag a few days, weeks, months from now! And then what will you do?
Why do we binge on bags? :throwup: When do you stop?

I remember a similar discussion in your thread TropicalGal:

Luckily, I have learned when enough, is enough (as previously discussed in the above thread) and can walk away from a gorgeous bag.