can someone tell me the differences in these 2 bags


Feb 24, 2006
Im torn between these 3 coach gold bags

coach hobos


opinions please and what is the difference between

these are all on ebay now thanks so much for your help :O)
I think might answer what you are asking.....

One of the Hobos is crescent shaped (the top curves like the botom of the bag) and the other is shaped like a filled in "u" (the top is straight but mushes down as you cary it.)
KKKKate Hugs to you thats the question I was trying to ask.. they looked so much alike to me and their dimentions were almost the same Im looking for a roomy gold bag and this info helps alot
thanks Graberg I took your advice and bought the top one. It was also helpful to see your pic since you own the pleated hobo and had it next to the one I just bought in gold. Now I can't wait to get it thanks again and to everyone who help Hugs too!:yes: