Can metal protectors on bottom of kelly bag be polished or replaced?


Dec 21, 2006
160 Claude without taking the bag apart? I had a mishap with a bag (tripped on sidewalk) scraping one metal thing kind of badly. Is it possible for Claude to polish or smooth out roughness, or replace, without taking apart the entire bag or sending to France? If not, I can live with it, but it would be nice if it were smoothed out.
i think they can because they work as single pieces, but i do think france is the best option. it is there purpose to protect and get damaged before the leather does though. but if it bothers you send it in, but i do recommend its is sent to paris because if anything were to go wrong later they wont fix it send it in its the best option or send a message to doc ride the miracle worker of hermes products !!!! in the forum!
polished yes surely (of course results may vary depending on how badly it is scratched) but replaced is a bit more of a hassle and i doubt he will do it on location. the feet are attached through and inside the leather (butterfly backs) and thus it is complicated and i doubt it is worth the hassle (it can be done though just depends on you though)
Lilach, thats what my SA said. I cant deal with the idea of this bag going to France for six months - I waited for it over a year before getting it last fall. She suggested fine sandpaper to smooth the edges (I am concerned about snagging a fabric on the raw edge if left as is)
Jedi I hope your ok.:flowers:I did the same thing tripped and threw my bag across the sidewalk:Push::nogood:I had a deep scratch but as I live far away from any H I just let it be. Its defintely badly scarred but its still ok and I have yet to have it snag on anything. I just looked at the bottom of my bag and after about two years there is still a huge chunk missing but it is smoother now. I am not talented at all and I am scared to sand anything on my bags...I might sand the leather too.:sJMHO:flowers:
I'm really lucky that neither I nor the leather on the bag was scratched. I am thinking the metal can be buffed out with steel wool or a scotch brite. I may give this a try.
Depend on how badly it's scratched. There are metal polish (like brasso) that will remove small blemishes, but if you put a big dent in it, then I don't think even H will be able to have it polished. They can replace it but that'll be a huge hassle (taking the bag apart etc). If you want to do some polishing yourself make sure you be very careful of the leather though. perhaps cover/wrap up the leather around the knobs in some paper or plastic.