Can I borrow your new bag!!!

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First of all, I don't understand why she would even ask if she can borrow your brand new bag. Let's have some common sense. Just let her know that it's new and you want to be careful ad take care of it. She should understand. Hopefully she won't be consistent w/ asking to borrow it.
I agree with this - I would say that your "personal policy" is not to loan out new/ expensive bags to anyone; family or friends period. It's like loaning money to a friend, a really bad idea.
I would say no. A bag is much too personal of an item to me to loan out. Plus, it would gross me out if someone used it and put their hairbrush or something like that in it. :yucky:

I also happen to come from a heritage full of superstitions and loaning a handbag or coat is a huge no-no. Something about their personal problems will transfer to the item and become my problems. :P Same with putting a bag on the floor -- will bring bad luck monetary-wise.
If I were in your shoes, I'd ask her if she could replace it should anything happen to it? If the answer's yes and I know that she infact can replace it, I might let her hold it. First, I'd make sure she knew the approximate cost of the bag and I'd get in writing that she said she'd replace it with both of our signatures. Then, I'd do an inspection right in front of her and let her co-inspect it with me, so she can't give it back with any scratches n' say that it was there when I gave it to her.
You guys must be pretty close for her to be able to ask to use your new bag like that.
Good luck whatever you decide to do. :smile:
Um...what made her think that was ok? Brand new!

I totally agree! She was quite inconsiderate to ask a question that would put you into such an awkward position anyway. I definitely suggest saying no, and if your friendship changes as a result, then maybe she wasn't really meant to be a "best" friend of yours.
i haven't read all of the replies but if she is your best friend and you wish to keep it that way i would not loan her the bag. don't do so unless you can loose it and not be upset for you never know what might happen.
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