Caesar's Continuing Saga

You do not need a contract, I think that would freak him out. All he needs to do is write on a plain peace of paper that he is giving the dog to you to care and look after. You must try and get him to take money for the dog even if its only a $1, but I would tend to give him a couple of $100 would think if he saw a couple hundred or more in your hands willing to give to him "for all his time and trouble...LOL... so to speak" I am sure he will sign the dog over. I have done this a few times, just be as pleasant as you can, thank him sooooooooo much for doing this, tell him he can come and see the dog anytime (which I doubt he will do). This should work. If the bit of paper reads something like "received xxxxxx for dog of dog..... who I am now selling to ,,,Your name,,.. " and let him sign it. You could also start of by going round their with a say box of chocolates wrapped up as a present to say thank you, then slowly introduce the paper thing, you could have this written out (hand written is best) then all he has to do is sign it. Good Luck

ITA with everything Saich2 has said in this post and the others she has written. It would be best to handle things low-key in terms of a receipt. Otherise, he may flip out. By offering him two hundred dollars or so you will appear to be thanking him profusely for the "privelege" of buying his dog, even though he is clearly an unfit pet owner. I see these steps as a necessary rouse. Also, the personal gift of chocolate is perfect. I'm thinking that the more gracious and grateful-seeming you are to this man the better. (Even though we know the real reason to act this way is so that Caesar can live in love and comfort with you and your DH...his new and forever family!)
I'm reading these out of order...but I just wanted to say good luck with everything, I'm so happy that he is letting you keep Caesar, and hopefully you can get it in writing to make it official.
He's in my thoughts and prayers as heartworm treatment is pretty serious. I hope he makes a full recovery.
UGHH! It's so heartbreaking when animals are neglected like Caesar was! You are AMAZING, Madamefifi!

Please keep us updated as to how things go with Caesar and the former "owner." Your kindness and compassion has made my day many times over.

HUGS to Caesar! :heart: