Buyer wants to do local pick-up - Is this a good idea?

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I'm a buyer and did two local pickups but I had a really good feeling about the seller . . . The first one I went to the sellers apt and took someone with me. It was a large piece of porcelain so I wanted to be extra careful about transporting it. I thought it was safer if I picked it up.

Another time, a seller brought some porcelain plates to my house.

Both these sellers lived very close - one down the street! and the other a mile away so it seemed kinda stupid to ship . . .:yes:
I did it like 4-5 times, once at my home and the rest when I was selling the contents of my dad's office and many things had to be picked up (like huge scales and doctors office tables etc). I have to admit, it was kinda wierd but once its over its over and done and you wont have to see them again. Just make sure theres always others around. :biggrin:
I did that once - we met in a railway station and it was great. I am not sure whether she was thinking to change her mind .... it seemed like it for a second but in the end everything went through.
I am not sure if I would like someone into my home.... I sold some stuff after I finished my degree and both times I met people at the car - preferred to having someone come into my house
i did it once when i sold something and realised the buyer lived across the street :lol: so we just agreed on a time and i dropped it off at her house, no problem. but she'd already paid by the time i saw the e-mail so that wasn't an issue.
i like these good happy ending stories. i half expected this thread to be the usual horror story thread. maybe pickups are possible after all!

hey ladies!

i just asked a lady who is ebaying an item out of miami if i could pick it up and she has not sent me any email except to say that i can't pay cash so no. i emailed her this morn to say that i would pay through paypay, like i have read above, and just pick it up from her in a busy public place. ie;gas station, (my personal fav:smile: starbucks, whatever. its miami and its busy everywhere! lets see if she goes for it! i hate to pay $30 shiipping from miami!

serious communication issues.
Its not something I normally do, but I have had a few pickups at my office. I am a Notary and I made the buyer provide their ID and sign my Notary book and give me their thumbprint also. That was my proof they were there and received it.

I had one pickup at home once and I wrote down all the info on her drivers license and made her sign a receipt that she received it. I also wrote down her license plate number as she drove away.

You cant be too careful, even if someone is sooo sweet, they can still tell ebay they never received your bag or whatever and you have no proof.
I have bought and sold to people within minutes of me and on my way to work, etc. Unless I'm on campus and they're on the same campus, I won't pick up or allow others to pick up. It's just not worth my time and the risk.

My friends have done it. Some without hitches. But once my friend drove all the way to westchester to pick up a big item (like a sofa or something) and the person wasn't home though she promised to be there.
What if the buyer is a stalker or a serial killer? :nuts: OK I was just kidding! :P Just be careful, maybe arrange for a neutral pick-up point would be better, like in a busy shopping mall or something. You never know, or maybe I'm too cynical living in a big city.
I did that once for the sale of a lap top and the lady was about 4 hours late. And it kind of messed up my dinner plans as the lady ended up staying in my house for more than an hour and a half asking me to teach her how to use the Mac. It was quite horrid experience imo. :confused1:
[FONT=&quot]Wow! Some Sellers do not think at all!! If you are the buyer, you are safe with PayPal+local pick up. But sellers need to use their common sense, because unfortunely we live in a bad world sometimes.

I've done this before, and it was totally fine. The girl lived near me, and I just met her across the street from her house. She had paid with Paypal, and I waived the shipping cost. My husband did this as well with a painting. He didn't want to risk damage in shipping. He drove an hour to get it, and he said the woman selling was really nice and normal.
I've done it twice and both times the people who came were really kind... and brought me authentic Canadian currency! I admit though, I was pretty nervous both times, I really don't like doing it. I know it would defeat the pupose of saving on fees, but maybe she could pay you with Paypal first, then you could meet her?
I've done it before though by husband wasn't too thrilled. He came with me and I met the guy at a local store parking lot. To me it was so much easier as the item was a gamecube. I didin't have to worry about it arriving in one piece, etc. They guy arrived with his family, I gave him the item and that was it. He had already paid thru paypal and left me great feedback too.
i did it once when i sold something and realised the buyer lived across the street :lol:so we just agreed on a time and i dropped it off at her house, no problem. but she'd already paid by the time i saw the e-mail so that wasn't an issue.
i just asked a lady who is ebaying an item out of miami if i could pick it up and she has not sent me any email except to say that i can't pay cash so no. i emailed her this morn to say that i would pay through paypay, like i have read above, and just pick it up from her in a busy public place. ie;gas station, (my personal fav:smile: starbucks, whatever. its miami and its busy everywhere! lets see if she goes for it! i hate to pay $30 shiipping from miami!.
I've done it as a buyer and paid through paypal. Nice and easy! But I guess that's also we were both good eBayers (in terms of quick payment, responses, etc.).

[/FONT] If you meet in person, they must pay in cash (and check it is not counterfeit). No checks either, as they can bounce.

But some of you accepted Paypal and then met locally. You essentially have no proof of delivery. So technically, if they paid via PayPal and you gave them the item in person, then they could still file an "Item not Received" claim with Paypal. Paypal will ask you for the tracking info.... which you obviously dont have since it was local pick-up. You may have e-mail proof that you agreed to meet, but if the buyer is scamming you they will not send you an email that they loved the item (ie proof it was received).

Its not something I normally do, but I have had a few pickups at my office. I am a Notary and I made the buyer provide their ID and sign my Notary book and give me their thumbprint also. That was my proof they were there and received it.

I had one pickup at home once and I wrote down all the info on her drivers license and made her sign a receipt that she received it. I also wrote down her license plate number as she drove away.

You cant be too careful, even if someone is sooo sweet, they can still tell ebay they never received your bag or whatever and you have no proof.
You are one smart, smart lady!! AAAA+++++ for you Donna!
I am glad someone else picked this up :yes:

But please note, if you read Paypal's requirements for seller protection it says the item must be SHIPPED TO A CONFIRMED ADDRESS..... so even if you have them sign some paper (even get it notarized at the bank), Paypal will NOT protect you. Paypal strictly enforces their rules and will not make an acceptation for a seller that met locally.

Your only recourse would be the law. However, you are still protected and have proof. So if you want to accept PayPal over cash for local deliveries because you don’t feel comfortable with cash, have a prepared document for them to sign (with copies) and go to a bank and have it notarized. Also take down their driver’s license number, name, address, phone number, license plate number. You should have their finger prints on the document too, so all that has you more than covered :smile: