Official Britney thread

I don't get why she would tie it like that.

Also this whole business with her going out partying every night. I mean what is wrong with her. She is about to get a divorce and yet she goes out every night partying. She is giving KF more ammunition to use against her for the custody battle.

She is so silly it's unbelievable. Ok I get it. She is a young mum. But doesn't it make sense to wait until after the divorce. And does she have to go out every single night? Jeez:cursing:
I am just wondering did see put on the dress and go oh this doesn't show enough skin so I am going to tie a knot in it up to my coochie, I mean everyone has seen it anyway!?! And then I am going to put on boots that are obviously better with jeans and everyone is going to love me!?!

I mean really, I would love to have been in her head when she did this??