British School Girls Beat Classmate’s Face ‘Beyond Recognition’

That's absolutely horrible and disgusting. Yeah did her friends just stand there and watch? And why would the school want her to come back?
I read such horrible stories like this and I think, "Wow! High school girls are such evil *****es!"

Thank God she's okay.

The girls that beat her up should get charged with aggrivated assault.
Iv been in a sitiuation where two girls went to fight my friend and i was right up in it! Thats awful...if i was her mom i would have went CrAzY!!! Thats beyond bullying and charges need to be pressed!
That's not bullying. That's assault. I can't believe nothing has happened to her attackers. They need to be expelled and then some. If they did this to one girl and nothing happens, imagine who they'll go after next. This is very irresponsible on the part of the school and authorities. Her parents should press charges against the school for ignoring their concerns. If they took action, maybe this could have been prevented.
Unfortunately in the UK there is a lot of bullying that goes on - not just physical but mental too. Although eash school is meant to have its own policy on bullying it is not until something like this reaches the media that anything gets done. There have been cases where schoolchildren have hung themselves or self mutilated to get away from bullies. The school will not become involved in this case as it was off their premises and of course they will deny that any bullying went on.:tdown::tdown:
I was just thinking about it... What would you do if it was one of your friends that was being beat up? Would you jump inbetween? That's also really hard.

Of course I would! And I have plenty of times!! What kind of friend wouldnt?? The kind that isnt really a "friend". :boxing::boxing::boxing:
Awful, the other girls should be taken into custody, they are clearly a danger to others. Poor girl. Relocation would probably help with the emotional side.
this is horrible, I can't understand why her friends didn't help her, or why the girls haven't been arrested. I hope they get a proper punishment, they should be kicked out of the school (that should have happened immediately) and put to juvenile prison for 6 months at the least. Good god, it makes me sick to think that they can just continue their normal lives :sad:. If something like this happened to my 15 year old little sister I'd go and teach those girls a lesson they wouldn't forget.