Brit, oh Brit...WTF are you wearing?????

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Organized Chaos
Nov 20, 2006
Jeez...does this chick get dressed in the dark!?!?


ahahahahahahah!!! Agreed - Too funny! Yeah.. I can't even begin to comprehend that picture and how she got to wearing everything.

She needs a nice bag so she doesn't have to lug around all that stuff in her arms!
she is!, I heard her divorce is getting pricey,and all her club drinking is costing her a pretty penny. She hasnt paid her electrisity bill yet,she gets changed next to a candle....

She's a train wreck! (yet wasnt her life always a train wreck?) love her though
Absolute TRAIN WRECK!!! Looks like she fell into Paris' closet and decide to try one of everything...then, looked in the mirror and decided that blood red lipstick would be fab for a casual day out running errands...sheesh!!