i'm not sure what i think about it, i've never seen one IRL and i tend to like botkier bags a lot more than they're in my hand than when they're in a pic.
Ladies ,as a new owner of a cognac clyde, just wanted to let you know that they have once again put even more colors and styles on the botkier website! I am slightly annoyed but have decided I chosen the better of the bunch. However, the metallic pearl stirrup is marked down to 275 from a retail price of 685. Also the ever coveted convertible is available in colors of a pretty metallic baby pink and a gorgeous metallic silver brown (cute!!) for the price of only only.........275 from a retail price of 765! Darn should I venture out once again? hmmmm I don't know I have a car note coming soon....LOL
Also, they have safaris too but i forgot what colors but it is like half off i think...
If you guys buy some don't forget to post pics!!!Now runnnnnn....
I see the Safari is now in the 'Archive' section of the Botkier site...ahh well, it looks good, i think, but i still love the Clyde and the Trigger best!
Enjoy your new bag Andiewc