boobies located

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1 planet - no spares
Jan 20, 2007
I've been trying to locate an Ink boobie and in my search I found these:

Susan (San Francisco); 415.922.3685
1 in blue

Neiman Marcus (San Francisco); 415.362.3900, 877.623.6264
1 in grey and 1 in brown

If by chance anyone knows where I can find an Ink it would be greatly appreciated :yes:
Yeah, I second that notion ... since this style has been discontinued, they are getting harder than Hen's teeth to find!!!

As far as I know, the one at Susan/SF is the 2005 Teal color (I bought the other one which was the Sky Blue).

Have you tried calling Balenciaga-NYC?
I have an Ink one, but I'm keeping it. Its one of my faves. The one at Susans is Indigo (very nice blue, I have one too). My ultimate one is the Calcaire Boobie which according to Joseph at Balny was made. I sold all mine, all I have left is my Magenta, Chocolate, Ink, Indigo and Turquoise.....has anyone ever seen a Calcaire Boobie? me neither.
Ooh! I love boobies! I wonder why they discontinued the style? Granted, I still haven't figured out what to put in mine, but they are so darn cute...

Good question!

I actually asked Bal NY why in the world they would discontinue the style and she replied styles have to change...:crybaby:Maybe they have something new coming up to replace it who knows?
Since they are no longer available they can be tough to find. I think everyone is pretty much holding onto the ones they have...I found mine on ebay mostly, and I have paid as much as $300+ for some of the hard to find colors. I got carried away with my boobie buying, I had to stop the madness at some point. Now I just have my faves.