agreed! :yes:

I know they mentioned the toothbrush incident when it was used in a toilet and BB yelled at someone. I know it was season 2, and I can vivedly remember a girl who did it, but, Will went into the diary room w/ her to get yelled at. Do you remember who it was? I can picture the girl...just can't put a name and a face together! :sad: lol...pretty sure it was will in the room with the girl at!
elongreach said:
I would have put up Diane and Will and let them fight it out. Putting up Diane and Nakomis isn't doing anything IMO. Is anyone watching the feeds right now?

Nope...I should get them though, just dont need to be more addicted to the comp than I already am! :lol:
digby723 said:
I think he's an idiot. Janelle, him and Howie had it right the first time. Let the two sides attack each other. (I would have) put up Boogie & Diane. If you put up will and he gets the veto, then, he's gonna come after you. He'll fight for Boogie, but, won't care so much about revenge, but, Boogie would if Will left. Put up Diane b/c Nakomis will follow the group...kind of. Diane is more of a threat, but, no need to put her AND Nakomis up. Kaysar wasted a week with nominations :crybaby: And here I was thinking he'd learned his lesson from last year (w/ Jen. and her kicking him out after he'd just gotten back in!) Unless he plans to backdoor Will in, he's an idiot!

Also, Janelle and Howie are idiots for broadcasting their alliance. James is the only one playing a smart game from BB6 at this moment, IMO. They need to hope to get Diane out this week to have done anything producutive this week and for a BB6 member to get HOH. Don't trust James with the BB6 alliance, they screwed him over last year, but, it'll be funny what happens. Janelle is my vote to win :love: , but, she's gotta stop trusting Jace! :rant:

Sorry for the long post LOL! Just can't stop me when I start with this show! :shame:

Oh my goodness... everything you said are my thoughts EXACTLY! :nuts:
I do and don't hope Danielle wins. She played a good game in her year (3?) and was robbed of winning. But, she's not playin to smart this year...Waiting to see how veto turns out :smile:
yes, i agree that james is playing smart. i was really hoping that erica would use the veto and the chilltown would be put up but then again, it is still early in the game, no one wants to take a risk and be a target. when will said that he doesn't mind being up for nominations, i was like do it!!! i don't like chilltown at all, with the birthday party, tempting howie with the food, they have to go soon if not they will run the house. danielle is quite quiet this week.