Best way to wear an Hermes scarf?

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Jan 2, 2006
Ii need more creative ideas on how to wear my scarves. It's a shame to hide the beautiful colors by folding them over and over, or keeping them under my jacket. Photos a plus! Thanks!
ok, chiffon - as ruffles around the neck. silks, i wear as either belts or halter/tube tops. and if i'm traveling, sometimes, i'll also wear them as headscarves (think gypsy style)>
I'm too old to wear anything this thin as a halter unless I have duct tape holding things in place......

hahaha! I would need scaffolding to wear it as a halter!!!

I usually just drape it around my neck, over a sweater or blouse and under a jacket. Occasionally I will loosely knot it. Not too creative, I admit... I need scarf help!
I wear mine tied around a ponytail. I let the ends just hand down and it reveals all of the beautiful colors. It completes the most simple outfit. Imagine . . . black juicy tracksuit, hair in a pony with a colorful scarf tied around the pony . . . SOOOOO EASY
Belts and Headbands. Go into the store and ask for the scarf tying book if you haven't already. Also the girls in the H stores are usually wearing them in different ways. Love the halter idea but haven't been able to pull it off. It may end up around my waist without much to hold it up.
My favorite way of wearing the scarf is actually just wearing it on my neck. But I like to get creative with my outfits at times so I wear it as a tube top, halter, belt, etc. ;)