Best Pug video ever

It's under 3 minutes and will warm your heart.



That is hysterical and cute!!!
Thanks for sharing..
(This version has better playback..
When I'm ready for another dog, a pug (rescue) is one of the breeds Im leaning toward..
I cant look at one without smiling..
The pug has other videos that are cute as well..
I like this one too..
I can't stop laughing..

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I love pugs. My username was created before I had one, but I have one now who lives with my sister and she makes me so happy! I hate how so many people think pugs are ugly... I think for breeding, they are easier to "mess up", but mine is smooshy and chunky and wiggly and no one can deny her cuteness!!
I love this--saw it on Facebook. It's the smooshy faces of the Pug and the Boxers that make me smile and how Loca gets along despite the legs not working quite right.