i personally think a ciao is great for an amusement park, partly because if you go on any rides and such it's not too bulky that you can't carry it on and since it zips up so well nothing will fly out. i wish last summer when i was trying to get over my fear of coasters that i had a ciao i always had to make my boyfriend at the time carry my crap, haha.
some people think the ciao is too small but in an amusement park you may not really need a lot, or at least i don't. and with it being able to go unfolded and expand out you get a lot more space.
as for the beach a lot of people like the bv. i 'm not a beach person, red head naturally sun hates me and i cannot swim, but i imagine if i go sit at the beach i'd take a bv.
i'm so long winded today.