Belen Echandia Bespoke Orders I missing something here? At least before you could create separate threads for each bespoke they'll only be this one sticky (thread) for ALL bespoke orders? There's no way to make sub-forum topics for each style/color bag bespoke? Or is there?
Yeah Chamois, I fully concur ~ I was hoping BE would have its own sub-forum dedicated to bespoke orders, so each one could have its own separate thread for better organization. Maybe it will happen later instead of sooner. Well, this is a start! I missing something here? At least before you could create separate threads for each bespoke they'll only be this one sticky (thread) for ALL bespoke orders? There's no way to make sub-forum topics for each style/color bag bespoke? Or is there?

Seems very confusing... :shame:
What exactly are we supposed to be posting in this thread? Is this for info when a bespoke BE order is approved to let people know that it's going to be available or is it for posting info/pics after we get bespoke bags?