Belated 22nd Birthday Bash

Happy belated birthday too.....your fiance is so sweet. the pressies are gorgeous...the orange birkin looks yummy with that combo. Congrats!!~
oh wow:nuts:
orange is growing on me, I think I can picture myself totting this baby..
Congrats to the max!!!


(PS: I'm so sorry if this thread is full of mushy2 love)[/QUOTE]
Thank you everyone for the wishes! I'm still enjoying them right now :P

love the rose shocking kelly long wallet
where did you get it if i may know
i am hunting for one:smile:


Hi ilovecocohanel, He got all the gifts from the BH boutique, but the rose shocking wallet is transferred from Florida boutique if I'm not wrong. You should get one ASAP! it's so gorgeous!

oh wow:nuts:
orange is growing on me, I think I can picture myself totting this baby..
Congrats to the max!!!

Yes Yes! Orange is surprisingly easy to match with any clothes. This almost become my everyday bag.