"Batwings" in chevre, vache liegee, togo etc.--when, how severe, any cure?

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Nov 27, 2006
I'm curious about the "batwing" phemomenon mentioned in many threads. Please share your experiences: How long did it take your togo, clemence, etc. to develop them? Did you get batwings with the stiffer leathers such as chevre, vache liegee, or epsom?

Is there a 100% correlaton between slouching and batwings? Or can you get batwings without slouching and vice versa? If you're not a batwing lover, can you reign in the "wings"? Does the spa hasten or delay the onset?

I have a black 35 chevre PH, about a year old, lightly used. No batwings yet...
ummmmmmmm, what the H is a batwing?:huh:

Kinda like this:


Toonie, how long have you had your clemence?
I have only experienced in the Clemence and Swift leathers,....This is why I am a fan of box calf, and epson, and the "exotic" leathers...they do not get them.
Mizzle, I wear my box calf and chevre bags a lot, no bat wings at all. :smile: I agree with Avandome that it's probably more evident in softer leather like Clemence, Swift etc., especially in a bigger size bag.
I think also use of a purseket encourages "batwings" since the purseket it round and pushs out the sides.
I also think that it depends on how stuffed you bag is - the more stuff - the more tendency to develop batwings.