Balenciaga 07 in the UK

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Deaming of Bal again
Feb 28, 2006
I have alreaddy put my name down on the waiting list for the Vert D'Eau at Harvey Nichols and decided to call them up today to see if they had an update.

I spoke to a really helpful man called James who told me all of the colours they are getting in for this season and Vert D'Eau is not on the list at all!!!!! Not in Giant or Regular hardware. :crybaby:

He did say they are getting the following (I can't remember all of them, sorry)

First in Black, White and Bright Blue (which I took to mean French Blue).
Giant Part Time in Grass Green, French Blue (10 of each) price £945
Giant work in Cafe(dark brown) and White
Giant Brief in Black and Natural and Marine.
Maltese Arena in Black

James was really patient and read me the list of all the bags that they are getting in for this season so if you want to go down on the list for any of them I'm sure he'll help.

He said that they are not getting any giant hardward bags in black other than the Brief and no Vert D'Eau at all.

I also called up Selfridges in London and they said they don't have any of the new season bags in yet but they hope to get them in at the end of the January.

As I am so desperate for a vert D'Eau I called Bal Paris and they told me that the only colour green bag they have for this season is Emerald!!??? :s

Does anyone know if I can order a Vert D'Eau from the US or Europe and get it sent to the UK?

I also called up Selfridges in London and they said they don't have any of the new season bags in yet but they hope to get them in at the end of the January.

Sorry I can't be of much help re: the Vert d'Eau but wanted to mention in case anyone else was reading & wondering, Selfridge's already has new stock in. I've been in there and have seen the giant hardware. Can't remember colours/styles (I know, I am a bad PFer), but they definitely had new season stuff. Not sure why they told you otherwise. :wtf:
Thatnks Stars. Do you know what ones they had in Selfridges? Do they have the French Blue? Or the Black work with Ginat hardware?

The woman on the phone said that the Sale was just finishing and that they don't have any new stock in. I am so thankful for tpf, otherwise I might have missed out.

Juat to check, do you mean Selfridges in London?

I am going to HN in Edinburgh tomorrow. I will see what they have and ask what's on the way and report back. HN might have the same stock throughout the UK, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

I really wanted the vert d'eau, anthracite, or the grass green First. It would be such a shame if HN didn't order any of those fantastic colours.

I am going to Paris in February, hopefully I will find one of those colours in Bal Paris!

Is this thread in the right place? Sorry Mods if it isn't!
Sorry I can't be of much help re: the Vert d'Eau but wanted to mention in case anyone else was reading & wondering, Selfridge's already has new stock in. I've been in there and have seen the giant hardware. Can't remember colours/styles (I know, I am a bad PFer), but they definitely had new season stuff. Not sure why they told you otherwise. :wtf:

Selfridges in London told me on Monday that they are getting more colours in at the end of Jan - I've left them with my name to contact me. I'm new to Balenciaga so can't help with what's in there already - sorry.
Hi everyone. Thanks for your help. siri anne, I look forward to hearing what's in at HN in Edinburgh.

Miriamrees, I haven't checked Harrods yet but will give them a call this morning and will let you all know what they have. Thanks

I am going to call Bal NY this afternoon too. I feel like I am now embarking on a mad bag manhunt!!

I really hope I can find Vert D'Eau somewhere. I just assumed that because it seems quite popular that all stores would be getting it in.

Thanks again to everyone for your help.
I read on a thread that Neiman Marcus in San Francisco has a Vert d'Eau City & I believe they ship internationally...their # is 415-362-3900.
Hope this helps.
Thanks everyone for being so helpful.

My first chioce would be a first but if I have no luck with that I may go for a city.

That one on ebay looks good but is a bit steep in price.

Another member is trying to help me locate one also so thanks to her too.:smile:
Hi everyone. Thanks for your help. siri anne, I look forward to hearing what's in at HN in Edinburgh.

Sorry it's taken me a while to report back. There is nothing other than GH bags from 2007 (no vert d'eau) in HN and the SA working that day could not tell me anything about what they might be getting in for s/s 2007:confused1:

I will pop in again this week and hopefully get some info!

Have you phoned Browns in London? They are usually quite helpful.

Good luck in your search.
Hi Siri anne.

I sent an email to Browns and haven't heard back from them as yet.

But thanks to a lovely pf member helping me out I have a vert d'eau first on its way to me right now. :yahoo: Thanks l_b! :love:

I'll hopefully be going to look at the French Blue with GH when they are in soon.

Once I get the stock list from Browns I'll post it here for everyone.

Thanks for letting me know.
Elise I am so pleased that you found one!! Can't wait to see pictures. Look forward to hearing what Browns will be getting.

Juliekinnes That's great. Thank you in advance for posting Matches stock.

Hopefully some yummy colours will be coming to the UK!
Phew! :sweatdrop: I just got back from a day in London. I was there on business but had a couple of hours spare to go to Matches and to Selfridges :graucho:

Matches had some of the new season bags in - from memory they had the Brief in Marine, Black, Vert Gazon, Cafe and White all with Giant Hardware. They had some City and Day bags with Giant hardware too. I don't recall seeing any of the new colours with regular hardware in Matches yet though.

Selfridges had quite a lot of new bags on display :nuts: Colour wise they had Vermillion, White, Black, Natural, Marine, Cafe and Truffle. Style wise they had pretty much everything - in regular and Giant hardware - certainly Giant hardware in Black, Cafe and Marine at least and regular in the rest. They had the brief in Natural with regular hardware which was my personal favourite...ahhhh so gorgeous :love:

That's all I can remember but at least London is slowly starting to get some new bags in :o)

No French Blue or Vert D'eau to be seen anywhere yet though.....:crybaby: