Bag Care

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Aug 11, 2006
Hi Girls!

I've been a long-time, extremely envious reader of the Purse Blog and Forum. I've finally got a bag that makes me feel like one of the group--a Marc Jacobs' Hobo Banana in Mouse. I got it on sale at Holt Renfrew in Calgary, AB and the salesgirl wasn't all that helpful with a couple of my main questions. How do I care for the bag? The salesgirl said I don't need to do anything to it, but I want this bag to last a lifetime, so what should I do? The leather has a slightly pearlized finish, but are there any leather treatments, etc. that I should be using? Is it okay to use it every day?

Thanks so much!
I care for my bags by not bringing them to smokey environments, prevent spilling anything on it and of cos they sit on my lap or a clean chair.
Does anyone find that these bags start to crack over time, though? I mean, isn't that what eventually happens to leather if you don't treat it? I'm talking five or ten years down the road, but still...