Awesomely Bad Fakes . . .


Feb 8, 2006
I was surfing through Ebay and saw this closed listing for the black Kooba Sienna. It's such an incredibly bad fake that I had to share it with all of you! The braids on the side on so ridiculously long -- you can jump rope with them!! (The tassle on the inner zip also screams "fake!" ) I can't believe the seller had the never to claim this is 100% authentic . . .

So here's a fun game . . . post the most ridiculous fake you can find on Ebay and highlight what makes it so awesomely bad!
Please, please go to ebay to look at this... it's terrible! The good news is that it is "authentic" and only $9.99!!! Wow! Act fast...
bellaandtyson said:
Please, please go to ebay to look at this... it's terrible! The good news is that it is "authentic" and only $9.99!!! Wow! Act fast...

Wow, aside from this bag's poor attempt to have an asymmetrical flap, this bag looks nothing like a gaucho. I really *love* the handle on the bag -- makes it look extra authentic! :lol:
lol the sad thing is that they're actually making that version of the gaucho - the fakers got it to ebay before dior could get it to the store!