automatic commercials?

Yep I asked about this in the feedback dropbox (and haven't gotten a reply). Now that I see so many other people are having this "problem" I'm guessing it's not a computer virus causing this!
I had the automatic commercial play too. I think it might be a good idea for someone who isn't signed in, but shouldn't members see a little less adverts than non-members?
As much as we may not like things like this, you have to take into account that TPF needs ads to keep the site the going and available to us for free. But I agree I would rather have static ad banners than a pop up video.
Agree with you all. This pop up Gucci commercial gave me a fright the first time I opened up TPF in the evening. Now it is becoming a nuisance. I know TPF needs to get $ for ad placements but this is really annoying!!!! Get rid of it!