At a party today and tried not to laugh...

i don't think i could stand being in that party if ever they had to talk to me.. if i am away from them, better.. if they include me in the conversation, i don't think i cannot not say my thoughts about fake items..
If someone tells me how much they love their fake bag, I think there are two appropriate responses:

1) Tell them why I love my bag - because, "It is the perfect size and shape for carrying big ol' rocks of crack*! Hey, if we're flaunting illegal habits, let's REALLY flaunt illegal habits! Woooo Hoooo!"

2) Tell them why I love my bag - because, "It is the perfect size and shape to hold a fifth of whiskey*. I like to consume one fifth of whiskey per day. Hey, at least my whiskey is legal and I am only harming myself. I know that the money from my purchase is supporting Mr. Jack Daniels rather than organized crime."

*Disclaimer: I don't actually drink a 5th of whiskey per day nor am I on crack nor do I purchase my bags based on their ability to conceal either of these items.
please don't judge others who chose not spend their money in the same way that you do. just as you think its "tacky" and "makes you sick" just looking at the mall kiosks, many think its tacky and sick to spend so much on bags.

just try not to be so judgmental.

But it's kind of tackier and sicker if you don't buy the original because it's tacky and sick to spend so much and then try to pass yourself off as spending the amount an original costs...