Ask seller a question

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Feb 11, 2006
I get a lot of these(below). What can I do to stop receiving these kind of "question"? Thanks.

"Dear Sir and madam, I am very serious and experienced supplier from china! i can offer you many brand items with fair price, like bags, clothes , jeans, sunglasses …… just contact me if any interest! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I am glad to help you ! Regards"

"Dear sir/madam ,
I am a supplier in china .our company have lots of products .we will provide the best price and best service with you
If you are intrested in my products ,you could email me at :xxxxxxxxxx
also you can contact me by MSN :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The products that I have been selling are Shoes 、Bags、 Watches、Purse、t-shirt、Jeans、Racquet、Jewellery、Sunglasses、Pen、Hat、Belt、Scarf、Lighter、
Swimming、Foot Ball、Cigarette(NIKE、Jordan、Chloe、C D、Fendi、HERMES、Rolex、Rock republic、Tiffany&co、WILSON、D&G、Mont Blanc、Dupont Lighter)

please do not post links or e-mail addresses.
:cursing: They are irritating! I woke up to 10 of these stupid messages this morning! You can't stop them. All you can do is report them to ebay, who will suspend the account. This doesn't stop them though, because they'll simply create another account. :hysteric:
Thee spam emails drive me crazy I get perhaps 100 per week, report to ebay. I report them all but they just keep coming so sometimes I just delete!
^^ Can't see how they could... They can't remove the "Ask seller question" option. These spammers hijack accounts to send spam. They also create 1000s of accounts to send these spams. Members of eBay China don't have to be verified and so these spammers can create 1000s accounts for the sole purpose of spamming. Suspend one? They'll just create another. It's an endless cycle.
^^ Can't see how they could... They can't remove the "Ask seller question" option. These spammers hijack accounts to send spam. They also create 1000s of accounts to send these spams. Members of eBay China don't have to be verified and so these spammers can create 1000s accounts for the sole purpose of spamming. Suspend one? They'll just create another. It's an endless cycle.
ITA LB I am going to stop wasting my time reporting them & just delete when they come
I always receive that trashy email, too but they stop emailing me since a few days ago once I reply them that I forward their email to eBay and report them as trading fake-it's ILLEGAL & abuse eBay rules by offer to to trading outside eBay! I told them that they'll suspended by eBay.

Really HATE them, stupid cows!! Make me think the emails from my potential buyers while they're FAKER! Don't let them disturb you, report them to eBay :cursing::mad:
What I did to stop it was respond to them that No thank you myself and my customers are not interested in fakes from China, and then had it posted in my listings, that stopped them dead in their tracks. Yaaahooo