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Thanks for the pics Fetish!
I saw these the other day on LV.
While I love the mono mini, I only like the Saumur XL and the Speedy from the Lin line. I hope they come up with more designs soon.
Wouldn't an Alma (regular Alma not the long one) look awesome in this line?
I'd love it in a beige color.

I also wonder if they'll add more colors.
I can understand LV making this new line so dark as the mono mini was prone to getting dirty easily.
We'll see...:shrugs:

I think i'm enjoying the speedy most, but again would have to see it irl :smile:
I like it, IMO it's pretty much the same as the mono mini line but with less color, I don't understand how so many people said they didn't like mono mini yet a lot of people like this....