Are you a leader?

I can be a leader. Never thought I could be, but being in the military changed that. It gave me the confidence to realize I could do it. I kind of have two personalities. Sometimes I have a very strong personality and feel like I have to lead, and other times I'm laid back, don't care about leading, and I'm just happy to follow and take direction. I guess it depends on the circumstances.
I am really bossy! And a total control freak. So I am definitely a leader. I held several positions in my sorority, and I love getting involved and helping out. The only time when I am not great is in group projects in school. I get really worried about my grade, and that maybe people won't do their part. Usually, I end up doing all of it myself. :shame:
Yep, definitely a leader. Though I can step back and let someone else take the reigns if I trust them, their judgement and that they make wise decisions. It irritates me beyond belief when I have incompetent bosses and you can see them walking into bad decisions but they just won't listen.

A great book for any woman that has a job is Hardball for Women: Winning at the Game of Business. Even if you aren't in business it will allow you to see into the leadership roles and how men think about them; super valuable! I'm not in business at all and it's extremely informative!
Not by choice... but my past three jobs has put me in this position(READ: VOLUNTEERED ME) and I absolutely hate it. It's mostly because I'm only responsible for project planning but apparently not project execution/management(or at least making sure that the people who need to do the work are actually doing the work). Yet I'm also responsible for reporting on the progress and explaining why the work isn't getting done.

In other words, I always get a spankin' from the higher ups so I hate being the lead.
I have some leadership qualities - decisions and delegations are no big thing to me (if I know these will lead to some sort of progress, anyhow), but as for shepherding people about and making sure they do their work? Feh, rather do it myself.
Our (American) society tends to glorify leader types, but not everyone is meant to be one. I am somewhere in between but lean towards non-leader. I will lead if I *have* to -- i.e., in the absence of anyone else stepping in to lead -- but I generally prefer to participate. If I have confidence in the leader, I am more than happy to follow.

But, I do have control freak tendencies, which is why I prefer to do most things myself rather than delegate to others.