Are there any "Purses" left at BalNY?

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Oct 15, 2006
Any color would be great! I am addicted to Purses since I got my Blueberry Purse, but she is so lonely and her kind are on the endangered list :P I'd love another one to keep her company :graucho:
actually I was thinking the same thing, only with Bal Paris.... Do any of you french girls know if there are any purses left at Bal or Printemps????? PM me if you know anything!!!! thanks!!
Oooh I'd love that Origan, but I doubt it would still be there by the time I call at 5am tomorrow morning...

Kitegirl - email Daphne at BalNY ([email protected]), put 'Attn: Daphne - Sage green purse' (this is what they call origan) in the subject line. Tell her that you are on international time, etc. Ask her to put it aside for you and you can do the rest via email/fax at your leisure. She is great to work with. Good luck!