Anyone looking for a Citta Rosa Bambinone?

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mood: awake!
Apr 10, 2007
My friend spotted one today at the Macy's off of El Camino Real (I think that's in Carlsbad?). She said it looked like a return cause of the sticker plus it was missing the qee. She also said it was still in good condition.
The bag wasn't on sale even though I think it should be marked down since all the older prints were marked down in the past. Maybe someone can ask the SA?
OMG i'm interested!!! and i'm right in your backyard! (well not literally HAHAHAHA that'd be scary!!!)

edit: mm.. well i think i'm interested.. i think it was just the spur of the moment or something lmao!
starting TODAY, i get my usual associate discount PLUS another 15%!!! O_O!!!!! HMM...!!!!

i don't know what to say if i call! :[ AND i'm in the library!! grr...!! what to do what to do!
tell them that all the older prints were marked down in the past. tell them you're an SA and you know that! lol... will that matter? i got an inferno at the sale table a while back so isn't CR considered an older print? yeah work them lisa! then use your discount on top of that! woohoo.. and what queenlouis said too.. say it's missing a qee, so it's considered not a 2 piece anymore. lol
yeah... oceanside/carlsbad gets returns but NEVER marks them down :sad: that's where I saw the european sweet gothic bag marked as a portatelefono :weird: they also had a citta ciao a while back at full price :shrugs:

I've asked but they don't really mark it down... I found a playground denaro there and it's still sitting in the back room waiting to be price checked since they returned it as a dolce :shrugs: Also, I heard that they mark things down according to shipment dates... so u can have two fumo dolces and one would be marked down but the other wouldn't because of the shipping date attached to the tag I think?
*sigh* That really sux...and I've been watching the 'net like crazy to try to find one somewhere, somehow...but unfortunately at work they have all of the communication and shopping sites blocked, so I always have to wait until I get home to get online. :sad:
Humm... only a few of the SAs there know what tokidoki is... like maybe 2 because I bugged them both one day and I've only dealt with those two actually whenever I asked about/bought tokidoki at that mall... but yeah it's a small display so they might not know where it is... if they're willing to go look the table SHOULD be by the price checker in the purse department unless they moved it since I was last there a few weeks ago but yeah it should be there
aww... well if I go home this weekend I'll go check it out myself but most likely maybe someone read this and got it? lol... those bags were there for a few months at retail... I was hoping they'd mark them down but :sad: they hadn't when I was last there

I still find myself wanting a citta ciao if it's cheap enough and the bambinone had cute placement so I was waiting :sweatdrop:
i asked my friend and she said she went there during her lunch break and she said she saw it sitting right there mixed with the other toki's on a table. maybe someone already bought it. she said it's the Macy's off the 78. That's the one on El Camino Real right?