Home & Garden Anyone else out there into gardening?


Jul 10, 2008
I'm not really into yard work or flower gardens, but I have a vegetable and herb garden in my yard that I love tending! I'm getting ready to plant this weekend since the weather is pretty nice here in north Texas. Last year I had tomatoes, peppers, lots of herbs. I tried pumpkins and corn, but unfortunately something got to them and I never got any actual fruits.

Our garden is about a 10x10 spot on our side yard. I didn't want to till or anything, so we did the "lasagna gardening" with layers of dirt, compost, and newspaper. Super easy and worked great! We also have a flower bed next to our house that is empty that we use for herbs.

I also want to try some dwarf citrus in pots on my back patio.

Just wondering if anyone else is into this?
Well on Saturday our weather was nice, so we got out in the garden and got to work - turned the soil, put in some organic matter, and planted! I did rows of tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, carrots, and onions.
part of me wants to garden but the other part of me thinks i'm too lazy. but i wuold really love to plant some tomatoes, cucumbers and dill (for pickles!). the past 2 years i've tried to do potted tomato plants and those failed miserably!

i have a friend whose whole back yard is practically a garden! she's got all sorts of different herbs and veggies. it's pretty amazing.
Last year the girls and I made an herb garden. We found a plan online and went shopping for all the herbs at Home Depot. I had them help me lay it all out and dig the holes... they had a great time!

I loved using the rosemary, thyme, basil, cilantro, and oregano. It was nice to just walk outside and clip some fresh herbs to make with dinner.

We moved so we don't have an area to do this so we may try a smaller version.

Here are my girls in action!! Herb Garden

Oh we also planted strawberries and blueberries!
I like to garden up to a point, but we don't have good soil to work with. Years ago I had a vegetable garden, but I had to spend endless hours out there tending it, and with the need for buying fertilizer, mulch, etc. it just didn't seem worth it to grow our own.

We do have some fruit trees and usually have some tomato plants going in pots. That's enough for us, though I wouldn't mind having a nectarine tree.

Now, my idea of gardening is going to the nursery and buying flowering plants, coming home and potting them, and sitting back and watching them flower, lol.
I adore gardening!!! My dad has his own vegetable garden, and apparently it's all in the preparation of the soil- get this right you can't go wrong with your crops!
Personally I'm more of a jungle garden girl, I love all those Mediterranean plants:love:
Mom makes me do the gardening in summer @ our beach house garden. I have planted 10+ rose trees, and several other plants. I have a green thumb.

Unfortunately I live in an apartment the rest of the year and I can only have potted plants on the balcony. I plan on buying many red geraniums like those on SATC on the episode "An American girl in Paris", on the balcony of Hôtel Plaza Athénée



I think they look so fresh and beautiful! I already have a huge white geranium that seems to love my balcony so this year I'm getting the reds too!:smile:
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