Anyone else here think ink is more purple than blue?

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Yes, more purple in some cases. I know someone with an Ink bag and when I compared it to mine, hers is definitely more purple. I don't even see traces of blue on it, in fact I would think hers is purple bag instead of Ink if I wasn't with her when she bought it.
my ink first and my sis' ink first were both much more blue with just a slight hint of purple (in sunglight) but my ink work, on the other hand, definitely has more purple than the firsts. i've also seen an ink at barneys a few months ago that was so purple that it looked almost like eggplant.
I wish!! My Twiggy is gorgeous but isn't very purple and I wish it had more. I sold my ink shopper and it was very purple. In certain lighting it almost looked like an eggplant with blue. I would love to have a City the color of that Shopper. The leather was also thick and fabulous on the shopper, much more so than my Twiggy.

Okay - here's pics of the handle of the ink day where the color is the most obvious. In the first pic it is against something navy. In the second pic it is against something purple. You can see how much closer in tone it is to the purple item.
mine is very purple.

when i look at the leather closely, i see the black, and i see the purple undertones, but nothing blue. far away in certain lighting, my ink looks like a very dark eggplant.