Any word about Argyle???

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Hey Zac!!! I don't think collection colors are going to show their face until at least Feb, and some places maybe even March... BalNY said they were hoping for Feb.
atelier.naff: Seafoam! (ish) ...SS07 color swatches

Scroll all the way down... I hope the color is gonna look warm irl, something like caramel would be perfect :graucho:

I'm thinking about it as my first bbag :yes:

...and finally argyle, naturel, anthracite.

I'm hoping it looks just like that b/c I'm loving it!!!:love:
i heard the argile was coming out in late feb/early march...
i'm on the list for an anthracite brief, and my sa at balenciaga said that's when it should be in, so i imagine the argiles will show up around the same time...