Another silly question from a newbie

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Mar 5, 2006
I see women with the Speedy 30, and it is all saggy and doesn't hold its shape with stuff in it. Is that the way it is supposed to do, or is that a sign of a fake? I really like the Speedy 30, but when I see one all saggy, it really turns me off. What am I missing?
There is a quick fix for this that many of us use around here. Just cut a piece of cardboard (shoe box lid?) and stick it in the bottom of the bag. Voila, no more sag. Works wonders. Some others around here use plexiglass, plastic, magazines - really many things would work.
I got mine for Christmas. (I didn't recognize it at first, because it was collapsed in the box!) Luckily, I got a couple of books as well, so I just weighed the bag down with those. Voila! No more saggy shape!
The bag's supposed to be saggy - that's the look. But some people hate that, so they put a magazine or cardboard on the bottom to make it more stiff looking. But imo, the stiffer the bag the faker it looks :/