Another SA sold my bag!!!

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Apr 29, 2006
Oh, god, I want to cry!!! :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

My SA was holding for me a fucsia flap caviar with silver HW until she got the payment details... and when she actually went to the stock room to grab my bag she found out that another SA had sold my bag!

There is no other pink bag left in Europe :hysteric: :hysteric: and this was my pre-increase last buy. So now thanks to a stupid SA I will have to wait until pink bags are released again and pay 200€ extra!
I know!!! Don't they just put aside the item while they're holding it for you? I was about to make the transfer to pay for it when she suddenly called to prevent me!
Oh, gosh, I was already thinking about what outfit to wear next friday when it would be in my hands!
Because it is their mistake, is there anyway you can get them to let you pay for at the price before increase?? I will really fight for that... not only you have to wait, you have to pay more to wait? that doesn't make sense..
*gasp* NO~~~ that's so not fari! I would contact the SA or store manager to demand they find one before the price increase, or they will have to give you some discount if you have to purchase after price increase. gosh, i am sooo sorry to hear this, but be firm about it!:crybaby: :crybaby:
^ I doubt they will give her a discount!! I dont think unfortuantly that they are obligated to compensate her for not holding the bag. This has happened with several people I know, esp when SAs are working on commission. Sometimes the holds arent stickered or noted and it goes to the next person.

sorry for your loss hehe
Wow I am really sorry! . . . How frustrating! This happened to me once . . . much later the bag turned up but some other SA had grabbed it although it was on hold for me. I agree talk to the floor manager . . . it can't hurt.