Another Deletion!


10-31-04 <3
Dec 18, 2007
Sadly my sought after khaki/angora Carly will be leaving my collection. After careful examination it is in great condition. But anyways since it is the medium I will not be needing her :sad: So off to Craigslist or ebay it goes!
Well here is a pic borrowed from ebay. It is sold out and will not be made again, as far as I know...
This was another deletion...all brown!!! I have so much brown I need to cut it down :crybaby:But I'm not using them so I need to sell them to someone who loves them. It is such a waste having a bag sit there and see me use all my other bags and feel left out. lol
Not really, lol for some reason I am not in love with it. I thought it would be a bright white but it is more of an off white. Oh well! Plus the medium is much too small for me.