Yes, I was on the reserve list at both CHanel and NM at the same time in early August. I always feel a liitle guilty when I chose one store over the other. However, in economic times I typcially chose NM over Chanel since I can get points towards GC and try to use various GC promotions like many of us do for more purchases. I am always very hesitant when I take my name off the reserrve list and feel the need to tell the SA that some one else I know will probably purchase the bag. Although it is not my responsiblity to "take care of" or help the SA out I still get a feeling of uneasiness. I did call and left my SA Farah a message today since she will not be in until 1:00 p.m.
Regarding NM, I was informed this morning that they are receiving four in the store and all are on hold/reserve. Reportedly, they will never make it to the floor!!!!. I did have to call and make sure I am guaranteed one of the first opportunity to purchase the bag at NM. I was told not to worry and that the bags should be in any day now. Yesterday, when I called and spoke another SA while waitng for my SA, she said I was indeed the first on the list simply because I inquired about the bag before they even knew the color would be introduced. So I am exctied that all of us will eventually get our purchses. I, like many of you, am exctied, hope I fall in the withthe color IRL, and am tired of waiting.
The department head told me on Monday when I went to pick up my Red Patent Jumbo bag that NM does have allowances for each store. She mentioned that the top four stores include NY, SF, LA, and one in TX. She said that VA is around 5 in ranks of selling. The top four stores get more merchandise. As Fireyfashionist and Gators have mentioned the buyers have not reduced their orders by half. Tysons Galleria will no longer get 8 seasonal bags in their orders and will now get 4 until the economy conditions change. However, they will still use the locator to try to assist customers. The SAs mentioned that many of the cruise collection are not even being displayed because many styles are already on reserve or on hold.
I hope I am called today. I am now going over to Tysons Corner to have lunch with some colleagues and would love to be called while I am over in that area. I wish evrybody luck. hope to join the family of many who are love this new Cobalt Blue
Just when I was gong to post.
Wow, I just got a call from my SA Andrea (12:45 pm ESt), the bags did not come in
today. She said any moment now. She reassured me that she has the top 3 customers on the reserve and if it comes in on Sautrday she will be emailed so she can inform her 3 customers that they have arrived.
Off the lunch at Tysons.