Ugh NOT that this is going to stop me from getting one, but why is the Zippy organizer so expensive?!!?!?
It is pretty much the same price as a Speedy!!!
I am debating between the Amarante Vernis (assuming I like the color) or the Damier...I like the Damier bc of its durability, but still...Vernis is so pretty!!
**Note: I have the Frambroise Vernis agenda...would a Vernis wallet and agenda be too much for an everyday combo?
It is pretty much the same price as a Speedy!!!
I am debating between the Amarante Vernis (assuming I like the color) or the Damier...I like the Damier bc of its durability, but still...Vernis is so pretty!!
**Note: I have the Frambroise Vernis agenda...would a Vernis wallet and agenda be too much for an everyday combo?