Ali question

my brown ali is soooo soft and smooooshy and white ali is a little more stiff, which is ok w/ me, she holds her shape better. not really waxy, though.
When I first saw the raisin and juniper bags last fall they felt kind of waxy to me and I mentioned it to my SA who agreed. I think it is just the thickness of the leather and the process that they go through. I have noticed that the Apple conditioner softens the legacy leather a bit so that might be something to try?
I have a whiskey Ali and haven't noticed a waxy feel. The leather is a lot thicker than say the Bleeker large flaps, maybe that's why it feels different to you.
Did you buy one used ? If so, maybe it was treated with conditioner with silicone. Just a thought, my Ali doesn't feel waxy at all, I have the black leather.
My white Ali had a sticky waxy feel on the underside of the strap when I first got it. After conditioning it with Apple conditioner its gone. It was an Ebay purchase so who knows what/why . . .

It could be a waxy/silicone of some kind. I just learned that the tanning process for leathers involves the application of colored urethanes, the smooth dark brown or black edge of the leathers is also a colored urethane (which can peel off), in short are breatheable, flexible plastic . . . perhaps if there is a glitch in the process it feels different, and maybe that's why some bags seem to gather transfer easier?!? another question for the experts!